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Eaves Hall

Ages 8-17 yrs

The Lighthouse is a four-bedded child and adolescent inpatient service based in Darwen, Lancashire. We offer trauma informed mental health care to children of any gender, from age 8 up to their 18th birthday. We provide step-down care for children who are ready to be discharged from Tier 4 child and adolescent mental health wards, but may require additional support before returning to the community. We offer multidisciplinary assessment and trauma informed, formulation driven care aimed at supporting the safety and stabilisation of young people with complex needs and who are supported by Children's Social Care. Specialist interventions Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) can be offered and we also provide an outreach service. 

The Lighthouse has a safe and therapeutic environment. It has been designed to a high standard and all bedrooms are fitted with an ensuite bathroom and been built to an anti ligature specification, as safety of our young people is paramount.  The Lighthouse is bright and cheery and has a newly commissioned sensory room, where young people can relax and practice mindfulness skills, learnt within their DBT skills sessions.

The Lighthouse is a CQC registered placement for the following regulated activities: 


  • Treatment for disease, disorder, or injury 

  • Accommodation for people who require nursing or personal care


We support young people with complex mental health needs (including psychosis, anxiety and depression, self-harm and challenging behaviour), learning disabilities, autistic spectrum conditions and substance misuse problems

Young people are admitted for an initial 12 week period. We use this time to assess and formulate clinical need, offer stabilisation and tailored therapeutic interventions. Following the initial assessment period, we may offer a further period of treatment and intervention, based on the recommendations of the assessment/formulation. The duration of the extended placement offer would be based on the individual needs of the young person.



(12 weeks)

Treatment and Intervention

Step down service

The Lighthouse offers an alternative to a hospital admission and can also support early discharge from hospital. We will support young people who present in crisis by providing a period of stability and respite. This time enables young people to reflect on their difficulties.


Discharge from hospital can be a daunting time for both the young person and their family. If it is felt that a young person is clinically ready for discharge, but may benefit from additional support prior to returning home. The Lighthouse is able to offer an interim placement to manage this transition in a least restrictive and more realistic environment. 


Young people with mental health difficulties may, at times, be placed in a paediatric bed if a specialist CAHMS bed is not available. This is never an ideal solution and The Lighthouse can offer placements whilst the young person is waiting for assessment or placement in a CAMHS unit.

If a young person is in crisis and it is felt a CAMHS hospital admission may be required, The Lighthouse would be a least restrictive alternative.  We are based in a community setting, and have a highly skilled and experienced multi-disciplinary staff team who are able to work effectively with high levels of risk and challenging behaviours

Alternative to hospital admission

Discharge from hospital can be a daunting time for both the young person and their family. If it is felt that a young person is clinically ready for discharge, but may benefit from additional support prior to returning home, The Lighthouse is able to offer an interim placement to manage this transition in a least restrictive and more realistic environment. 

Step down from CAMHS bed

If a placement has broken down or there is a gap in care, we are able to offer a transition placement to young people whilst alternative provision is secured.


Young people with mental health difficulties may, at times, be placed in a paediatric bed if a specialist CAHMS bed is not available. This is never an ideal solution and The Lighthouse can offer placements whilst the young person is waiting for assessment or placement in a CAMHS unit.

Alternative to awaiting assessment in a paediatric bed

The Lighhouse offer planned admissions and we work with the young person, family/carers and other agencies involved in the young person’s care, to ensure we meet the individual’s identified needs on admission.

Planned admission

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